Friday, October 24, 2014

F U Princesses!

NOTE: I have a very strong opinion about this subject because I’m dealing with it in life right now. But, I don’t expect everyone else to view this problem as strongly as I do. I feel it is important voice this issues as strongly as I can. But you don’t have to agree. All I’m doing is sharing mine.
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This is a brilliant project! It a strong statement and doesn’t sugar coat the issues. This issues is becoming dangerous for everyone, not just 20somethings young woman who have an opinion, but anyone who have a woman in their life. Take the recent report from Utah State University. A young woman, smart and strong, while doing her job is threat to be murdered and anyone else that’s near her will die too. Imagine your mother or daughter doing their job, which can be doing the dishes, and some man threatening to kill them for doing the dishes and anyone that dirtied a plate. That stupid, right?! Will that’s what’s happening. I hate this word but we can’t be sweet and nice about this anymore. We have to use the ‘shock factor’, we have to be blunt. We have to focus you to see that this issues is affecting your future and the lives of future woman, and sometime to make that happen we have to ask you to imagine your wife/mother/daughter as the victim.
Parents might statement that this will corrupt these children and therefore theirs. Yet children are already corrupted, they watch tv/movies, they read, they have friends, their corrupted. At least corrupt them with positive messages and a bright future where anyone can be happy and successful no matter their gender.
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Children don’t need to be shocked, but their parents do. Adult (parents) have to do something to stop the abuse of woman, gays, minorities. Just because they don’t watch TV doesn’t mean their not being focus feed gender roles. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Two Weeks Out of Grad School and This is What's Up

Surfing Facebook and stubbled onto my BFA school page to find this quote,
"After the jump you will find code for Google Glass disrupting software Kick google glass off any wifi network in the vicinity. apparently an even more aggressive version is in the works."
with this link: .

In short this few lines of code can jam the Google Glass and making it unusable. Not cool in my book, so I felt like replying since over the last year I've been working in and research about the rise of wearable technology and it's future.

This is what I wrote in responses to the above quote;

I'm only been in this field of "wearable tech" for a year, and am by not means an expert, yet. But what I do know is that wearables are HOT and developers and companies are trying hard to get the next cool wearable out there as fast as they can. This effects thinking about the finer details of what is public and private. Jamming a network is not the answer. Who says that someone on a crowded subway, where everyone has their cellphones/ipads out, isn't taking your photo or video you without you knowing? Are you going to jam/block there cells too? What should be happening, and in some case is happening, is that we start developing more responsibly. That's where we come in, creative technologist, we take sdks and instead of jamming/block system we create an app that when it recognizes face it ask if it can take your picture, and you say "Yes, Glass take my picture."

Feel free to chime in.

Monday, February 3, 2014

2013: A Designer Wet Dream

also, know as her the movie
In Her, a Silicon Valley type Los Angeles is engulfed in a soft orange smog that floats around the tops of all the constant growing skyscrapers. In this worlds the clean saturated colors, the identical male trousers, shirts, sweaters, the very modest Donna Reed styles female clothing configurations this place and the people living here. There is a noticeable lack of people in public spaces. This worlds relationship with technology is totally deficiency with their human relationships. It is just accepted to talk to yourself and have a relationship with you OS. The user validate this relationships by the algorithm of emotion the OS provides at first without any consequences, as opposed to a relationship with a human. You see the user go through the ups and downs of human interaction and the drama it causes, and it’s countered by the generated responses of the OS. That is, until the user becomes outdated and users have to resort back to human connections in order to continue their life.
I found this film to be a clever, pretension, entertaining, funny conversation of how to use technology responsibly. The quick social acceptance of OS relationships, the classicism of only the well-off can afford the life that a OS can provide, and the excessive value of someone that can express human emotion. In some ways, I feel this film had the same message as the 1968  Stanley Kubrick film “2001: A Space Odyssey.” In Kubrick’s film it was all about the relationship between humans and mysterious black, outer space, in “Her” it was the developing bond between humans and a device/system.

** I need to finish filling in some blank here but you get my point, sorta? **