Friday, December 21, 2012

1st Semester Closing Statements

This semester for my final assignment I examine the social application and the sustainability effects of my project CommonWaste, a social recycling network. For CommonWaste’s I looked into social environment expectations, technical function and operation, and other applications for the project. Because people don't see the effect of recycling quickly enough to understand its importance, showing them the effect through a virtual representation of the real world will create a new incentive.
The tools!
This project came from an idea that I presented in class at the beginning of the Fall 2012 semester. The assignment was to take something physical and mash it with something digital. I took the idea of recycling and transferring the effect to a social network. You affect the CommonWaste network through your actions in the real world 

Getting ready to install the sensor.
Installing the plastic flap.
The finished install.
The sensor!
The general idea for the mash up assignment was to create a social environment where your recycling made an impact in a digital world that mirrored your own. Coming from rural New Mexico, the positive effects of recycling were seen almost on a daily base. In the coffee shop I worked at we used eco-friendly cups, plates, etc., and most, if not all, of our customers recycled the cups or used them again later or the next day. Being here in New York, I see recycling signs and bins everywhere, but I don’t see the effect so much. I still see trash everywhere. I wanted to try and use the tenants in our apartment building as a part of a social experiment—since I presented this assignment to my class I have changed the location of the project to D12 (Parsons), the graduate student lab —to see if they would be more excited about recycling their trash than getting a tweet. Or, if they saw how much their recycling effected a social environment, would it make them more interested in their own? This is still a vague concept, and my thoughts are all over the place, but the bottom line would be to create a recycle bin, then showcasing (in a digital format or social network) how the person recycling affects their digital world (and by extension, how it could affect the real world). Installing the bin in the physical environment would help keep community accountable and in return keep D12 clean. 

To create CommonWaste I hatched out several options and methods. I researched local and national waste management programs that dealt with the community and utilize social media, and added them to support my project’s concept. The following are the steps I took: 
- Visualizing the virtual environment (Figure 6.);
- Surveying the importance of recycling and whether or not adding a social element would make a difference;
- Prototyping a functional sensor switch (Figure 7.) that would demonstrate how the action of recycling would affect the virtual world. 
Installing the sensor and breadboard.
The bin!
Lighting up the LEDs.

CommonWaste became more of a project in development. It seems that there is a need for a new type of recycling method and this might be the birth of one. For the future continuation of this project, I would like to create different bins to add to the system where the items you recycle have a related effect. For example, recycling paper and cardboard would affect trees and plants. Recycling glass would develop solar panels on the virtual windows. And compost and recycled electronic parts would have an effected place in the digital world. The social world would be shared as you are more active with others and the more your environment changes. A type of trophy system would be developed to show your growth as a real life recycler. In the end, my hope is simply that this project would have a positive effect on the environment.
Presenting the CommonWaste!

This project needs more development and thought, but it's getting there. I believe it might have a future somewhere down the road. Thank you for a great first semester and all the helpful feedback.

Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Final Project Pieces


The flow chart: You make soup, you recycle can, the sensor reads you action and sends the info to the computer, the action effects your digital world and you see the effect of your recycling.
Branding: color and logo ideas 

The Environment: Design and Technology lab

Icons: Recycling icons

The Bin: The recycling bin

The Sensor: Using a flex sensor to trigger and read data

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Final Project for Creative & Computation


The Final Project:
Back in October 1st I presented a physical to digital MashUp project in Major Studio. The title for my project is Social Recycling. I was inspired by these artists of The Fun Theory recycle bottle arcade game.

And also Nintendo Wii Animal Crossing, City Folk. For it's groovy and fun environment.


How the social recycling would work; when you place you recycling in the recycle bins. The bins would have sensors that registered the item and translate you recycling to a social world. There you and your friends can see the positive effects of your recycling.

Your recycling bins

The thing you recycle effect your social world in different ways

Your recycling status would show how much you've done 

The more you recycle the more you environment become clean
As you recycle the environment becomes cleaner. The sky gets brighter/bluer, the water becomes drinkable, more flowers grown and more people (friends) you can invite to live in your world.

The Next Step: First Draft
For my final project, I want to continue where I left off with my MashUp: Social Recycling. I am not sure how doable this might be. Given the little I know about anything, but I feel like I can make something happen with these ideas. The general ideas for the MashUp assignment was to create a social environment where your recycling made an impact in a digital world that mirrored your own. Coming from New Mexico where the positive effect of recycling are seen almost on a daily base. In the coffee shop I worked at we used Eco friendly cups, plates, etc and most of it, if not all our customer recycled the cups or used them the next day. Being here in New York, I see recycling sign and bins everywhere but I don’t see the effect so much. I still see trash everywhere. I want to try and use the tenant in our apartment building as a part of a social experiment -- Since I presented this assignment to my Major Studio class I have changed the location of the project to D12 (Parsons) -- Would they be more excited about recycling their trash then getting a tweet? Or if they saw how much their recycling effected a social environment would it make then more interested in there own? This is still a vague concept and my thoughts are all over the place, but the bottom line would be to create a recycle bin in the same vain as created their Bottle Bank Arcade. Then showcasing in a digital format, social network, how the person recycling effect their digital world and then how it could effect the real world… I’m still working on this.

The Next Next Step: Precedents

Precedents #1: Bottle Bank Arcade

1. What is the project and who created it? - by The project is a glass bottle recycling game.

2. How does it work / function? Is it interactive? If so how? - The interface is simple to understand, like a pinball machine or ball toss game. You accumulate point when you place a bottle into a slot when the light blinks.

3. What aspects of the project are similar to your project or influence your project? – The visual design? The interaction? The industrial design? The location? The Audience? - It’s fun and creative way to to recycle. My project relates to this one through the interaction of random people. The want to recycle is encouraged by the outcome of what you recycle.

Precedents #2: Animal Crossing City Folk

1. What is the project and who created it? - by Nintendo Wii. This game is set in a world that totally depends on you. You have to keep the world clean, you have to build, shop, work in the city in order for it to survive. Just like in my project the virtual world look depends on you.

2. How does it work / function? Is it interactive? If so how? - The environment depends on you. You go out pick weeds, plant trees and kill bugs. All these action help keep your world nice and inviting. Because you want people to live in your city. The better the looking the city the more your city grows and the more you can do in your city.

3. What aspects of the project are similar to your project or influence your project? – The visual design? The interaction? The industrial design? The location? The Audience? - You have to keep you city clean. The cleaner the city the prettier it looks and more awards you receive. In Animal Crossing you pick weeds to make your city beautiful. For my social world element of my project, the more you recycle the better your world looks.
Precedents #3: Trash Tycoon

1. What is the project and who created it? - by Guerillapps.

2. How does it work / function? Is it interactive? If so how? - SIMS type of game and Animal Crossing this world depends on the way you level up. The higher the level the more you have done to make the world better. YOu are given task to do and depending how well you performed them the more levels/point you get.

3. What aspects of the project are similar to your project or influence your project? – The visual design? The interaction? The industrial design? The location? The Audience? - You are a member in a virtual world where it is your responsibility to keep it clean.
The Next Next Next Step: Prototype
I started working and developing the social environment.

This was the first drawing of the social world.
First draft of the vector drawing of the social world.
As the owner of the social world recycle the cleaner the world becomes. More flowers will grown, the bluer the sky becomes and the world starts developing a social environment, but when you stop recycling the world goes back to being trashed. Yet the more you recycle more changes and becomes cleaner in your world.

Showcasing the steps of the user.
This is a images that shows the Arduino and sensor I will use to create the social recycle interaction.
Not my image

Top L: the flex sensor. Top R: Arduino w/ button. Bottom L: the environment with no flowers. Bottom R: environment w/ tons of flowers.
What I'm Working On Now:
1. Coming up with a good Title for the project
2. Building a Recycle Bin that I can install the sensor in such a way you will not be able to see it.
3. Coding the Sensor. Right now I have a Arduino button working with Processing that will grow flowers in the in the social world. But it needs more work and I want to use the sensor instead of the button.
4. Redesign the social recycling world. When I presented the first draft  drawing of the environment the major critique I got was it wasn't realistic to the users real world. So I'm gone back to thinking about a new look for the social world.

Feedback, Comments, Et cetera are all welcomed.  

Thursday, November 15, 2012

XML and JSON in My Backpack

For CCLab homework we were asked to write up an XML and JSON document describing the contents of your backpack. In my backpack I have the following;

  • Computer (with charger)
  • Notebook (with folder to catch extra papers & sketchbook for catching ideas)
  • Glass (to read)
  • Writing tools (black pen & a pencil)
  • Wallet (that holds $$$)
The JSON document

The XML document 

Opening that Framework

Getting started in Open Frameworks in CCLab. For those interested OpenFrameworks is a open source C++ tool that designs creative process by providing a simple and intuitive framework for experimentation. In short, is does really cool stuff with code.

Check out some of my code and quick videos of my projects. Here's The Code: Download and go! And now the video.

My OF project is really simple, it just an array of circles that you can miss with by moving you mouse. Very simple!

Another OF project was to write my name, or in my case my husband's name using code and not font in OF.

I used shapes to create B. E. N.

I really enjoy this program and am excited about using it in more projects.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


So, my midterm for Sound & Performance this semester, I create a musical drawing tool using a Wii remote. This is my first real go at doing a project documentation video. I apologize for my shack camera work.

MAX/MSP MidTerm from Veronica Black on Vimeo.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Arduino + Processing: first go.


//CCLab Home work week_07
//Cupcake & Strawberry - array - radius - oscillation of an object - mouse
//Processing + Arduino

//new tab
PImage straw1 /*straw2*/;
// array -  first give it a name then a legnth
ArrayList Strawberry;

//Arduino button
import processing.serial.*;
import cc.arduino.*;
int pin = 5;
Arduino arduino;

int sensorValue;

void setup() {
  size(600, 600);
  arduino = new Arduino(this, Arduino.list()[0], 57600);
  for (int i = 0; i <= 13; i++){
  arduino.pinMode(i, Arduino.INPUT);
  //initialize first step
 Strawberry = new ArrayList();
 Strawberry.add(new Strawberry(width/2, height/2));

  straw1 = loadImage("straw1.png");
  //straw2 = loadImage("straw2.png");

void draw() {
  //Arduino button
  if (arduino.digitalRead(pin) == Arduino.HIGH){
     Strawberry.add(new Strawberry(mouseX, mouseY));
    else { 
PImage myImage = loadImage("cake.png");
image(myImage, width/2, height/2);

//I'm going to have a array of strawberry
 for(int i = 0; i < Strawberry.size(); i ++){
   Strawberry myStrawberry = (Strawberry) Strawberry.get(i);
   //this where you put it
   //draw the array
//ellipse(280, 240, arduino.analogRead(pin), arduino.analogRead(pin));

 /*void mousePressed(){
 Strawberry.add(new Strawberry(mouseX, mouseY));
 //telling what to do - add - calling the contucttor


class Strawberry {
  //Strawberry images
  PImage straw1 /*straw2*/;
  //color c;
  float xPos;
  float yPos;
  float ySpeed; //speed up and down
  float acc; //gathering speed

  Strawberry(float tempX, float tempY) { //same as class
  //strawberry(float tempYSpeed) { //feeding my donut //to make 1 a different speed
  straw1 = loadImage("straw1.png");
  //straw2 = loadImage("straw2.png");

    //c = color(0, 0, 0);
    xPos = random(0, width);
    yPos = height/2;
    ySpeed = 2; //tempYSpeed// take away the # value to change the speed
    acc = random(0.05, 0.3);

  void display() { //can add aggument to change the color

   image(straw1, xPos, yPos, 100, 100);
   //image(straw2, xPos, yPos, 50, 50);


  void move() {
    ySpeed += acc;
    yPos += ySpeed;
    if ((yPos >= height) || (yPos == 0)) {
      ySpeed *= -1;

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Let There Be Code

Get outside, get inspired and recreate a shape/object in Processing inspired by your time outside. This homework MUST use atleast one custom function, arrays and PImage and mouse interaction. Optionally use sin/cos and/or push and pop matrix. Share an image of what inspired you.

Write your own class from scratch, give it some properties and functions. Make multiple objects of that class. Declare arguments in your class, and feed them values from the main code. Use Translate/push/pop matrix to make some interesting Interactions and tell a story. Advanced: Make an array of objects

Create multiple objects using Arrays and have the objects interact with each other somehow - bounce, repulse etc. Add new objects upon mouse interaction. Make your objects interesting – not circles, rectangles squares. for eg. use PNGs.

Use a library or multiple libraries to create an interesting audio-visual interaction with minimal or no use of mouse/keyboard. Using sin/cos and time will make your animations super interesting.

Light two LEDs in your circuit. Incorporate Potentiometer or Push Button or another sensor for extra credit (extra fun!)

Two LED light will turn on when a button is pushed. Super simple and fun!

Make a super fun interaction using sensors and objects
- think how you could make a simple instrument or capture a gesture, or embody an emotion
- make it meaningful
Use stuff we’ve learned so far – classes, libraries, sin/cos, so many things to work with!


To check out the CODE.

Stay tune for more fun stuff. Next on the ballot, XCode and OpenFrameworks.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Knights of Balls

I HEART "the Guild" like nobodies business!

The Guild

And since school, life, future, has been on my mind a lot and the six season of The Guild started this week I thought I'd share a funny .gif I found.

I to feel like I've got a lot to juggle. Literally.

Monday, October 1, 2012

I Need a Rosetta Stone for Code

Need a Job? You'd better learn code. *link
I do a lot of web-surfing, in fact I like to think of myself as a Pro Web-Surfer. It's kinda my thing! And I love it when I come across something that gets me jazzed about something-or-another about what I'm currently doing, what I want to do or that others are doing.

I really dig it when come across, what I call "the rhyme and reason" of things. What I mean is, when I land on something, a video, blog, write-up about a subject that I'm just getting into. For example, code. I'm just now learning this new language. I had experience with other code languages but I wasn't fluent.  I really didn't have a desire to be so. I just did the basic of code homework assignments, just what I understood. I never tried to push the boundaries of what code could do. I needed something to light the fire, a rhyme and/or reason. And what might you ask is that rhyme or reason? Why the best that there could be, a job. Yes I'm a little lame in that I'm letting the almighty job lead me. I'm going to need a job to pay for this education I'm getting and since this education is providing away to learn this "code" thing, I figure I might as well take advantage.

So bring on the code. Then a good job. Then paying off all my debt. Then retire on a mountain over looking a beach that has a huge city about 30 minutes away by car. The mountain is for my husband who wants a cabin on top of a mountain and the beach and city are for me.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pop+Push Matrix gets a class

Pop+Push Matrix and their friends Class.

Check out this groovy code homework :)

Intro to CCLab

I'm very much a virgin code[r] when it comes to Processing. I can, somewhat, code for the web (HTML5), Flash (Action Script) and tiny bit of Xcode. My love for code goes about as far as, will here.  I don't really get it. It wasn't important to what I want to do. I knew what I needed to know to finish the assignment and get a good grade. When will I even need code? That sentiment is the old me, the before Parsons -- 3 week long -- Bootcamp. I am a new coder. I am a brave, ready to face code, coder. During the bootcamp you are introduces to Processing aka Code. It's one of them thing you either love or hate, black and white. You either understand it or you don't. I'm not a love or hate kinda person, I'm more of a "I enjoy that" kinda gal. I don't see in black or white, things are mostly tie-dyed, neon, rainbow and some times 50 shades of gray. Hehe! But at first code and I weren't seeing eye to [i] -- [i] here is representing [i] line of code that tells Processing to draw an array function -- just for all out there who don't know. So my first week with code was rocky. I kinda understood what things where doing, how they worked together to create sketches and tried to understand why I might need code.

Code language is not easy for me, it's my Achilles heel. Fun fact, most languages, compute or otherwise, are hard for me. Blast! I can barely speak English right sometimes. One thing I am is hard-headed and if there's something that's stomping me I find away around it. And I did with code. I asked questions. I asked everyone questions. I wanted to learn this. I went to workshops, I did my own research to see what others where doing with Processing, and how I wanted to use it. You see I'm a very very very visual learner. I learn by doing. I learn best when I know what the outcome will be. For example, in printmaking there's a method called etching. Etching is when you take a metal plate and a sharp point tool of some kind and scratch drawing into the plate then apply ink to the plate and paper and run it through a press. I know that doesn't sound exciting or hard but the technic as to how you get the drawing on the plate is exciting. There are many different methods as how you draw on the plate but one of them is using acid. You paint (special etching paint (I can't remember the name)) a coat on the plate. You then etch out your drawing. You dip the plate into the acid and the acid eats away the metal from just the part you drew. There's more process and I'm sure I'm not explaining it very well, but you get the point. For me it was hard to understand why I needed to go through some much process to get my drawing on the metal. I later figured out my frustration with etch was very simple, I didn't know what the out come was going to be. I didn't know how etching looked in the end. I had seen etching before but I didn't know how it was made. How long the metal stayed in the acid, what line where drawn first. I had to ask my teacher to break it down for me. I needed to know/see how it was down. Then I could go and do it, and I did. You can't tell me to do something and think it'll stick. But showing me something, doing something, and I won't forget. OK some times I will. I'm flighty! But I need to understand if I do this I can add this and together they make that. I have to see it. That's hard when it comes to processing sometimes.

So all of that just goes to show you that it was hard for me to be taught all this crazy code and then asked to use it to make something interesting. My head couldn't really wrap around what code function did what and what function did something else. So I copied code I worked on in class and played with it to understand what it did and why. During camp my homework weren't really bind blowing but they completed the assignment and I learned. The down side of this method was that it was a slow method. I spent to much time working and playing with simple code I got to comfortable with the easy stuff. Oops!

I do that. I get so comfy I don't adventure out. And I just realized that to. No more then a month into coding and I had not even adventured out into the code world to see what I could do. Lame! All my home for my Creative Computing Lab, or CCLab as we cool kids call it, has been lame. Not exciting at all. That's going to change. I want to be a good coder, maybe not the best but good. I can do that. I'm hard-headed enough to make that happen. In the end it's going to open so many groovy doors for me and what I can do. I just got to get over this comfy zone thing with code and make something epic.

For some more fun you can check out my Processing sketches at this link.

Open Processing Sketches

You can checkout my blog I kept over Bootcamp and see all my other fun projects from Code, Web and Design.

Parsons Bootcamp 2012

And for good measures you can follow my Tumblr of crazy meme's people at Parsons send each other.

Meme's From Parsons


Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Show casing some epic code for CCLab, check it out, HERE.

This sketch is my snow globe, sorta. I would like it to react to a few more functions, such as, after you get the snow going it falls to the bottom of the sketch. I'm not there yet but with some help from fellow classmate and bugging my teacher with my issues, I might figure it out.

Yay Code... stuff!!!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Week One... Done...

One down, fifteen more to go and so far... awesome!!!

In Major Studio 1 our first weekend assignment is to redesign Facebook and mock-up a prototype. Our teacher is so cool. He's totally using social networks as our subject matter. Which is so super cool! That's one of my biggest interest. I want to study and learn more about these social networks. Yay!

What's so great about this class is that we will be working on small projects that lead to a major project. They build on each other and in the end we're encourage to take our project to conferences, to exhibit it or publish it. I'm so excited for all the wicked things I'm about to learn.

In Design for this Century, I'm not to sure yet. The first class was a little odd. D+T student were mixed up with other Parsons AMT students. That 's cool and all because we are all "design" students in one way or another. We just think of design different which is nice to have another angle to look at things. I'm excited to explore "design" with a group of people who see design another way.

For Dynamic Sound & Performance I'm very excited about this and I'm sure the first class would have been epic if the teacher had showed up. The first night of classes myself and about 16 other students showed up and we waited for about an hour for the teacher. We called people, emailed the teacher, talked about taking turn and teaching the class ourselves. After a hour we gave up on the teacher and left. That really sucked! Because all the other elective class I want to take/or that fit into my schedule are full. I need this class and I need it to rock. After a few days I got an email saying they department was sorry for the lack of teacher and that that teacher will not be teaching after all. They have another guy that will step up and teach it. He taught it last semester and I'm told he was very cool. So it's looking like it'll work out. I'll keep you posted.

Creative Computing Lab aka CCLab. I think I'm falling in love. Not to sure yet, haven't really started the coding thing yet, but I'm really happy with the teacher. The first thing out of her mouth was "you need to find your happy code place." You can't force a happy code upon yourself. You have to find the right code for you. Rather that's web, processing, ardiuno or open frameworks. You must be happy. I love that because code is not my second nature. I'm not sure if I'll ever really get it enough that I can just  seat down at my computer and start coding and writing my own code. But I'm going to try, I'm going to learn.

This is going to be an amazing semester!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Revamping All the Things!

So 2012 is distant to be a years of "new starts." For one thing, I'm re-starting this blog, revamping it to more of documentary of my adventure in grad school. My new school highly encourages recording your process, and being aware of where you start with an idea and end with it. But also, getting ideas out. So I decided that this silly blog, I started so many years ago but never really used, would be my catalyst for my adventures into grad school.

Just a little post of what my day was like or what I hope to do during the day. Also, I hope to us this fun blog to keep me focus and accountable. You may not know this about me but I get troubly side-tracked. It's like when a cat sees something shiny or a squirrel can't remember if he turned off the gas stove.

With that being said here's a fun list of what I hope for my time in grad school.

  • I'm not sure what the world has in store for me or my family but I do know it will be great. I really loved working in and around museums. I've worked with them for about 6 years. During and after I finished college, and it would be awesome to continue on a pass with museums. So working with museums will be a goal, what's on the other side of the finish line, something to aim for.
  • I heart stop motion animation! And my advisor said I have skills that if fine tuned I'd be a good animator. She wanted me to take classes that will sharpen those skills.
  • I have a very healthy addiction to the "Distributed/Social Networks." I do believe I'm on every social network you can be on. I'm sure I'm missing one or two but for the most part if I'm on the web I'm on a social network. I want to know more about this "social network" I want to learn how it is used, why it seems so important, how I can use it.
  • I'm just so super excited to learn more and use it to make a positive impact in the world. 
  • But most important, this is for me. This is important to me to accomplish. To see it though to the end and then go off and do something great with it.  
Not only do these fun fact apply to just me, they also go toward my family. I'm sure most of you know my husband is pursuing his doctorate at Columbia. How freakin' cool is that!? So we have big PLANS, but we've learned that PLANS don't always happen how you've PLANNED them. So we're taking our time and enjoying the experiences we've had so far with this journey, one day at a time.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

And In This Corner...

... We have the long shot, the way out there, would never happen not in a thousand years, colleges of our dreams. Columbia University and Parsons the New School of Design.

And in this corner the sure fire challengers. The ones that had the most chances to win. Georgia Southern and Savannah College of Art and Design.

Who will win this most epic match? Where will we be moving to next? Will it be the Georgia state school or the New York rookies?

As the game started Parsons had the lead over SCAD.  SCAD was taking their time getting to the point.

"I had gotten into Parsons but my husband had gotten into Georgia Southern. So we figured that if I got into SCAD we'd be moving to Georgia in the fall. We just had to wait and see if I'd get in."

As the first round ends it's Parsons and Georgia Southern with a tie, 1 and 1. Then with a surprise upset Columbia calls. Yes! Columbia University folks. It looks like their interested in making an offer. But wait a minute!?! Yes! It's SCAD! Will this turn the game around? It this the moment of truth? 

What's SCAD doing? 

I don't believe it! 


SCAD in the game! Now it's up to Columbia. If the New York schools want to stay in the game they've got to pull a rabbit out the hat. This next plays got to be for all the marbles.

"When Columbia called they had a sweet offer. One of those you just can't say no to. They said they'd get back to use soon. Parsons needed to know if I was coming and their deadline was coming up. So we waited and waited to hear from Columbia." 

The tension is mounting! The time is running out. Will Parsons take a leap of faith and make a move and hope Columbia got's his back? Or will Georgia Southern and SCAD win? 

Times running out!


What's this? Parsons making a move! 

In a surprise move Parsons going for it. Parsons moving in. Will this change the game? Will this be the end of the game? Do the Georgia state school have this in the bag?

The Georgia state schools have been playing really will. They have the ideal location, right now, but lack some of the future opportunities the New York state schools can offer. Not to say they don't offer their own favorable futures. 

The New York schools are young and they have a lot to give. 

It looks like either one could win this.

"Time run out. We took a chance and told Parsons we were coming. We had decided that if Columbia offered we'd go, but if not we were just as excited about the Georgia state schools. They are just as good as the New York schools. They just didn't offer all the perks the NY schools did. But the GA schools where in the perfect place, closer to family and much more affordable. All we'd lose from this gamble would be a couple of $$$. It was worth it in the end."  

I don't believe it! I don't believe it! 

Yes! It's Columbia! At the last moment with the game winning play. It seems Columbia has made the offer and it's good.

The games over with Parsons and Columbia as the winners!

What a great game!

The recap folks. Georgia Southern came in and set the stage. Then Parsons came in with a surprise first swing. We had a down moment where both school just waited on their teammates to make their moves. Then SCAD came in with a one two punch blocked by Columbia. Who put us on pins and needles while he waited for the right opening to strike. And strike he did with the winner offer.

It took each team a whole year to prepare for this game.

Many years of training!

And it wasn't easy!

Each team had to summit many hours of time to get into this game. 

But the rookies shined through!
What's next for these New York schools?

Will like all good teams they'll have if figure that out for themselves. Will they come back to define their title? 
Do they have a chance or was this just a fluke?

We'll just have to wait and see.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Why I Don't "Eat Pray Love"
So I feel like sharing a quick thought about a movie I once saw. The movie is "Eat Pray Love" I understand the book was good and a very "woman take charge of her life" kind of story. Stories like that do need to be told but the movie is something else.

Yeah. It wasn't really what I hoped it to be. The whole "I'm sad and need to experience life before I start showing some wrinkles" was lame. It was like she was saying all her life up until now was a waste. I totally don't agree with that train of thought. Also I thought it was lame that she just slept with anything with male parts. Then turned around and wanted to find enlightenment. You don't find that by living in fancy rich houses. "OMG I must stop working, live in luxury houses, eat the best organic food and have unsafe intercourse. And then I will be happy and know my place in the world." 

This is just my opinion of a movie and some viewer might have gotten more out of it than me. Great! I'm happy you enjoyed it but if I was in her shoes I wouldn't have wasted my time feeling sorry for myself. I might have found enlightenment sooner and through everything I saw/experienced/felt. 

I have already found enlightenment in my life and the only far-off-place I've ever been to was Canada.


Monday, February 20, 2012

Resume of Awesomeness!

1234 Las Vegas, NM 00000
New Mexico Highlands University, Department of Visual and Performing Arts, Media Arts 
with a B. F. A. in Digital Filmmaking and Minor in Art Studio, May 2011.

Gateway Christian High School, Diploma, May 2001.

Professional Experiences
Video, Audio and Media Technician, training and educational outreach program for NM schools, colleges and nonprofits focusing on “"Growing through Conflict”" a media series for "Audio Revolution!" broadcasts, public screenings, on-line distribution and targeted listening circles. AmeriCorps and Youth Media Projects, Santa Fe, NM. January 2012-Present.

Videographer and Media Technician, filming, editing and installing video and still image slide shows on digital monitors. SITE Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM. May 2011-August 2011.

External Affairs Assistant, organizing and formating press images, cataloging press images and press clips, and assisting in public events. AmeriCorps and SITE Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM. May 2011-August 2011.

Audiovisual Technician, managed AV equipment, projectors, and provided presenters with technical support during 3 day conference, also provided video/still documentation of events.
New Mexico Association of Museums Conference, Las Vegas, NM. November 2010.

e-Publisher, co-designed and creator of digital publishings for students’ animations. New Mexico Highlands University, Media Arts Department, Las Vegas, NM. June 2010-September 2010.

Videographer, produced, storyboard and edited a virtual tour for the museums website. Marion Koshland Science Museum, Washington D.C. November 2009-January 2010.

Videographer, filmed, photographed and interviewed three local artists for web-based videos. New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs and Museum of New Mexico Foundation, Santa Fe, NM. July 2009- August 2009.

Videographer, filmed, edited and photographed a video for the Van of Enchantment website. New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs, Santa Fe, NM. June 2009-August 2009.

Teachers Assistant, lead critiques, demonstrated, and graded students projects for the class Color Theory. New Mexico Highlands University, Media Arts Department, Las Vegas, NM. January 2009-May 2009.

Work Study, secretary assistant. New Mexico Highlands University, Media Arts Department, Las Vegas, NM. November 2008-Spring 2010.

Design Editor, layout designer for the second volume of the Picayune Literature Review. New Mexico Highlands University, Humanities - English Department, Las Vegas, NM. April 2009 - May 2009.

Videographer, participated in a internet based documentary for SITE Santa Fe’s Seventh International Biennial. Video was installed in SITE gallery during the Biennial.
SITE Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM. January 2008-June 2008.

Seabury Fellowship in Cultural Technology awarded to outstanding students, Fall 2010. 
Dale Basler Scholarship awarded to active members of the Media Arts Club, Fall 2007 & Spring 2008.

Museums of the Web Conference, presented during Tech Showcase “Koshland Virtual Tour,” 
Denver, CO, April 2010. 
Dean’s List, New Mexico Highlands University, Fall 2006-May 2011.

“Call Me,” Mixed Media, Las Vegas 175th Anniversary Celebration Art Show, September 24- October 1, 2010. 

“Daedalus & Icarus,” Stop Motion Animation, Santa Fe 3 Minute Film Festival, Santa Fe, NM, May 2010.

“Conservation: The Delicate Art Behind the Scene,” Time-lapse Video, National Hispanic Cultural Center, Albuquerque, NM, July 30-September 10, 2010.

“Conservation: The Delicate Art Behind the Scene,” Time-lapse Video, Mesa Public Library, Las Alamos, NM, October 2009.

“NM Creates,” Artist web-based interviews, Museum of New Mexico Foundation home page, Santa Fe, NM.

“Van of Enchantment,” Promotional video, Department of Cultural Affairs, Santa Fe, NM.

“Fashioning New Mexico,” Time-lapse Video, New Mexico History Museum, Santa Fe, NM, May 2009-April 2010.

“Almas de la Plaza,” Researched, Directed, Installed, Las Vegas, NM, December 2008-Febuary 2009.

“Lucky 7,” Six Artist Videos, SITE Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM, June 2008-January 2009.

“Communities of Discourse: A Guide to Acandamic Writing,” Diagram, NMHU, Funtanled Press, 2008. “Beads in a Row,” Photograph, Picayune Literature Review 2009.
“Green Fish,” Acrylic Paint, Picayune Literature Review 2008. 
“The BadLands SD,” Photograph, Sendero Literary Magazine 2007.
“The County Spider,” Photograph, Sendero Literary Magazine 2007. 
“The Misadventures of the Writing Center” with Ben Villarreal, Comic, Sendero Literary Magazine 2007.

Media Arts Club, Vice President, Fall 2009-Spring 2011 
Media Arts Club, President, Fall 2007-Spring 2009 
American Sign Language, Treasurer, Fall 2007-Spring 2008

Adobe Suite CS4: InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamwaver, After Effects, Flash 
Final Cut Pro 7, Soundtrack Pro 3 
Coral Painter 11 
HTLM5, CSS, Mobile Technology

Mr. Andrew Wollner, Assistant Professor of Media Arts/Graphic Design. 

Dr. Helen Blythe, Assistant Professor, Director of Graduate Studies in English. 


This is not my original design or format but you get the idea.